Donations and Bequests

Donations & Bequests

ACNC Registered Charity

The AAEE relies on your donations to continue our ‘Working for Sustainability’ agenda to secure high-quality resources for Education for Sustainability in all curriculum education systems across early childhood education services K-12, TAFE, Tertiary Institutions, Industry, and Community groups.

Donations enable us to promote Education for Sustainability to Federal and State jurisdictions by showcasing best practice nationally and keeping these concepts central to policy development. We have funded a range of programs and projects to support educators to create resources across all areas of curriculum and community education.

All donations are directed 100% towards securing unique resources for our broad membership and providing greater access to education for sustainability. As funds are available grants are advertised to all members. The process is robust and ethical with selection panels set up to review all submissions against agreed criteria for each round of funding.

We have a part-time Administrator who supports a voluntary National Executive Committee working with voluntary committee members of chapters in every state and territory in Australia. Donations are not used for any of our administration commitments.


We invite you to give a tax-deductible donation to the Australian Association of Environmental Education. Recurring donations offer the opportunity for us to plan for the future and remain independent. Our online payment form is securely powered by PayPal. If you want to make a change, cancel, or update your donation, please first check your PayPal payment settings and then notify our Administrator at



A gift to the AAEE in your will is a way to have a positive impact on future generations. If you would like further information on including the AAEE in your will, please contact AAEE President, Dr Lisa Siegel, at for a confidential discussion.


Our major investment partners are critical to our success. We work closely with all partners to develop mutually beneficial relationships. To discuss potential partnerships please contact AAEE President, Dr Lisa Siegel, at for a confidential discussion.

Association details

We are an incorporated not for profit association. We have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status so your gift is tax deductible.

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities. Click here to visit their website.


PO Box 3133
Weston Creek ACT 2611
ABN 80 047 534 235
Association Number A01300