Tasmania’s AAEE membership is active, enthusiastic and highly committed to the principles of education for sustainability. Members are drawn from all regions of the state and are involved in community groups, local and state government, education and environment sectors. New members are always welcome! Find out more about what we do on our AAEE Tasmania Facebook page.
Our meetings are normally held every 8 weeks, Feb, April, June, August, October, December, on the 3rd Thursday from 5.30pm-7pm at the Sustainability Learning Centre, 50 Olinda Grove, Mt Nelson AND ALSO on Microsoft Teams for virtual attendees.
President: Ingrid Albion, Tas Parks and Wildlife
Secretary: Chris Haas, DOE Teacher
Treasurer: Owen Walker, RTO Trainer
Get in touch
Connect with us on the AAEE Tasmania Facebook page or email aaee.tasmania@gmail.com