SeaWeek – Sunday Session at the Port Environment Centre
On March 19th, we’re celebrating Sea Week with FREE native coastal plant giveaways.
The theme of SeaWeek 2023 is Planet Ocean: The ocean (and its interconnected systems) is the defining feature of our planet.
Stop by the Port Environment Centre on March 19 to:
• Chat with a local dunes group volunteer
• Explore our marine and coastal resources, including ‘A snorkeler’s guide to plants and animals’, ‘Coastal Places’ guide, ‘A Beach Explorers Guide’, ‘Shorebirds – The Wing Thing’, ‘Nature Bingo – Coast’, ‘Beachcombing Identification Chart’ … and more!
• Take home a FREE marine kids pack, with ‘Dune Detectives game, an Adventure Trail guide & a Beach Discovery Trail Guide’
• Pick up some FREE coastal native plant tube-stock!
Sea Week is Australia’s major national public awareness campaign to focus community awareness, provide information and encourage an appreciation of the sea, this annual week-long event gives us a fantastic opportunity to promote educational issues of relevance to the marine environment.
Registration not required. Drop-ins are welcome on the day.
This is a free session.
Plenty of child-friendly activities available!
This Sunday Session is supported by the City of Port Adelaide
Enfield & the Suzanne Elliott Charitable Trust.
The Port Environment Centre is seeded by Green Adelaide.