Australian Association for Environmental Education
As Australia's peak professional body for environmental educators, we provide a collaborative and supportive network for the growing force of cross-sector environmental educators across our states and territories.
We acknowledge First Nations people as the original environmental educators, and we advocate for environmental education - in all its forms and pedagogies – as a means for working towards eco-social justice and creating meaningful change in the world. Come join us!
Become a member
Join Australia’s peak professional body for environmental educators for…
- Automatic membership in and support from your local chapter.
- Discounted conferences, workshops, and learning circles.
- Regular newsletters with events, news, and articles.
- Access to a wealth of best-practice research in the Australian Journal of Environmental Education (AJEE).
- Access to wide range of resources in our private Members area.
- The chance to become part of an ever-growing movement for eco-social education and justice!
Upcoming Events
Give your support
Donations to the AAEE Public Fund of $2 or more are tax-deductible. All donations, large and small, are gratefully accepted and used to expand our work in supporting environmental education – in all its forms and across all the sectors – around Australia.
What our members say
The people, knowledge and research available to me continue to support my behaviour change work in natural disaster resilience today. For me, professional associations remain an essential part of my personal and professional validity.
I am reaping great personal and professional reward through my involvement in AAEE, may it long continue.
I appreciate the networking opportunities and collaboration opportunities.
As a member of AAEEWA I am empowered to take transformative, whole systems thinking action to facilitate sustainability at home, locally, nationally and internationally. AAEEWA brings me joy and hope for the future by being with like-minded, action-orientated, caring and understanding friends.
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